

Christmas came early this year! Sorry if your not a Miami Heat fan I don't expect you to understand this (nor do I care). Less then 5 minutes ago Lebron James announced " I've decided to take my talents to south beach " shocking the world, breaking the hearts of many, but gaining the hearts of many more. All week ESPN along with every other media outlet has covered what has become the most anticipating and electrifying free agency in sports history every second of the day with new buzz and rumors of who was going where and ultimately who would inherit the greatest player in the game!

Lebron says that the deciding factor was the opportunity to not to just win one, but to win consecutive championships. Lots of people are gonna say Lebron took the easy way out, but in a day where black athletes are accused of choosing the dollar over the game Lebron clearly chose the higher road by taking a pay cut to play with superstars Chris Bosh and D. Wade. Ultimately all champions play with champions, Kobe, Shaq, Horry, or Michael and Pippen, Duncan, Ginoboli, Parker, or Magic and Kareem ect, ect..... the list goes on, Lebron said it best " You become a superstar individually, but you become a champion as a team" !
SPORTS: CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!! SPORTS: CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!! Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 7/08/2010 08:07:00 PM Rating: 5

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