
Sports: 5,500 Ball Man in Johannesburg

On July 11th, besides celebrating my mom's 50th Birthday, the FIFA World Cup will become deceased for another 4 years, until yet again the best of the best rival it out for victor. But in Johannesburg some will get to take home a piece of FIFA World Cup, in fact 5,500 people will be receiving a FIFA World Cup souvenir soccer ball as they dismember it off the 21 meter, 4.75 ton Ball Man composited off 5,500 soccer balls. The  3D sculptured Ball Man hangs off 10 miles of cable in the middle of Johannesburg's Carlton Centre Shopping Mall. 
(more images down below...)



Sports: 5,500 Ball Man in Johannesburg Sports: 5,500 Ball Man in Johannesburg Reviewed by Unknown on 7/07/2010 05:04:00 PM Rating: 5

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