
Technology: Apple iTV

" What will Apple come up with next? " I'm sure we've all asked ourselves that question as they Apple keeps re-inventing the new age with cutting edge technology. Well, I'm happy to tell you that Apple is in full steam in developing the unbelievably $100 Apple TV set up box which I hear is based on the iPhone OS 4 and the A4 Processor which allows support to deliver content in full 1080 - full HD and also has a16GB of flash storage already installed. If you can't imagine it, try imagining an iPhone without a screen (kinda funky huh?), but GW reports Apple CEO Steve Jobs re-thought the whole headless box idea and drew up plan on releasing an actual Apple television set.
There isn't a go on the idea yet but rumors have it that Apple designers will not be designing the tv. Can't wait to see how this comes about; I guess Apple isn't going to stop until we see the world in their eyes. Oh, iTV isn't going to be the actual name but c'mon how much creativity do they put in their name and if they make an actual television set guaranteed it's not going for a Benji.

I grabbed this image off of the web when searched Google images Apple TV, and my thoughts are hopefully this isn't the mock-up because it gives me a sense of itunes or my iTouch on my computer screen.


Technology: Apple iTV Technology: Apple iTV Reviewed by Unknown on 7/03/2010 04:33:00 AM Rating: 5

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