
#FlashBackFriday: Common x Real Nigga Quotes

FLASHBACK: An eighty-nine Celica with a yellow racing stripe down the middle and the speakers filling the whole back seat is where I was when I first heard this. As the smoked filled the tiny hustlemobile I remember my big brother Wayne popping this in the tape player, giving me this look like I'm not ready for what he was about to do to me. I didn't know then but now it makes sense.

This comes off Common's One Day It'll All Make Sense(1997) titled "Real Nigga Quotes". This whole project was amazing but this track in particular was my favorite, produced by Dug Infinite and cuts by Mista Sinista. Surprisingly, No I.D. didn't produce this but did produce the majority of the album. 
After the jump is some footage of Com freestyling last night at NBA 2K11 release party

DOWNLOAD: Common x Real Nigga Quotes | Mediafire
#FlashBackFriday: Common x Real Nigga Quotes #FlashBackFriday: Common x Real Nigga Quotes Reviewed by Unknown on 9/24/2010 06:11:00 AM Rating: 5

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