
Art: Barbara Krueger x "Taking Place" Exhibition

barbara krueger,taking place exhibit
American Artist, Barbara Krueger takes on a big job with her new exhibit "Taking Place". Confronting stereotypes and clichés with a bitter perspective, Barbara is not new to tackling the subjects while being known for her artistic opinions on consumerism and feminism, styling with text layered over advertised images. The installation takes a left turn into right field, exploring the relationship between the viewer and the exhibition, and how the audience’ behavior and decorum can affect and perhaps disrupt the traditional museum space. 
The exhibit will take place at the Stedelijk Museum (Netherlands), hosted in their largest gallery "Hall of Honor". Visitors will be able to view Barbara's "Taking Place" Exhibit now until January 9th, 2011, so if you're going to be in the Netherlands swing by and be amazed and if you're like the most of us continue reading after the jump for more images...
barbara krueger,taking place exhibit
barbara krueger,taking place exhibit
barbara krueger,taking place exhibit
barbara krueger,taking place exhibit
Art: Barbara Krueger x "Taking Place" Exhibition Art: Barbara Krueger x "Taking Place" Exhibition Reviewed by Unknown on 10/27/2010 04:09:00 AM Rating: 5

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