
Sports:Giants x Phillies Pitchin that Cain

The Giants have just put themselves 2 games away from playing in the 2010 World Series after beating the Philadelphia Phillies 3-0.
The shutout began with S.F. ace Matt Cain pitching thru 7 innings and of course Bryan Wilson providing the closure of the afternoon. The Giants now have a 2-1 lead in the series and the future looks promising! Game four starts tomorrow evening at 8pm in our beloved San Francisco, if you got tickets....... im jealous....... if your just like all the rest of us have not(s) tune in on FOX hopefully HD at least, Anyways big up S.F. we in the valley representing!
Sports:Giants x Phillies Pitchin that Cain Sports:Giants x Phillies  Pitchin that Cain Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 10/19/2010 04:32:00 PM Rating: 5

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