
Sports: Monday Night Football - N.Y. Giants x Dallas Cowboys

Things looked soo sweet for the Dallas Cowboys "early" in last nights Monday night football game...

Eli Manning goes out and throws 2 int's in his 1st 2 possessions and the Cowboys capitalized on both turnovers. At one point in the 1st half the Cowboys led 20-7, then the unthinkable happens. Michael Boley of the N.Y. Giants puts Tono Romo out of his misery with a hit that looked as bad as it actually was, breaking Romo's collar bone on the left side of his shoulder and putting him out of the lineup for at least the next 6 weeks. The N.Y. Giants went on to win the game 41-35 and the Cowboys are hopeless without Romo.
Sports: Monday Night Football - N.Y. Giants x Dallas Cowboys Sports: Monday Night Football - N.Y. Giants x Dallas Cowboys Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 10/26/2010 03:01:00 PM Rating: 5

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