
Exhibit: ROA x Puppy Gallery, Los Angeles (Recap)

Images of ROA Puppy Gallery Exhibit
Famed Belgian artist ROA recently opened his solo exhibit at the Puppy Gallery in Los Angeles, California this past weekend featuring more of his detailed large-scale pieces...

"This new gallery work continues the artist’s exploration of the collision between natural and man-made worlds. It is also a comment on the importance of considering the unseen or overlooked – be it animals within the looming urban landscape, or their delicate nature. The latter is conveyed through an epic wall mural installation and clever pieces which offer dual views of various fauna – an exterior view coupled with a skeletal one or one that reveals the animal’s pulmonary system. All of this is executed with ROA’s stark, highly detailed black + white signature aesthetic on various ‘found’ canvases which draw attention to urban sprawl and decay." -via Highsnobiety

More images of ROA solo Los Angeles exhibit after the jump...

Images of ROA Puppy Gallery Exhibit
Images of ROA Puppy Gallery Exhibit
Images of ROA Puppy Gallery Exhibit
Images of ROA Puppy Gallery Exhibit
Images of ROA Puppy Gallery Exhibit
Images of ROA Puppy Gallery Exhibit
Images of ROA Puppy Gallery Exhibit
Images of ROA Puppy Gallery Exhibit
Exhibit: ROA x Puppy Gallery, Los Angeles (Recap) Exhibit: ROA x Puppy Gallery, Los Angeles (Recap) Reviewed by Unknown on 11/15/2010 03:11:00 PM Rating: 5

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