
Exhibit: Toshio Saeki x 111 Minna Gallery, S.F.

Infamous Japanese artist Toshio Saeki or better known as the"Godfather of Japanese Erotica" has graced the city the San Fran with his controversial collection featuring pieces that uses strong emphasis on Japanese culture but instantly steers into a dark, demented, XXX -rated horror show. 

"In the modern world, where one rarely stops to think about the truth behind the moment, you might enjoy it if you take a peep at my mysterious and strange illusions.......To those who frown at them, I want to place the drawings right in front of your face and ask if you really disapprove.  I’m always thinking, how wonderful it would be to give shape to psychological pictures which everyone hides and holds deep within them." - Toshio Saeki

Toshio Saeki has cultivated a unique and shocking style – blending traditional Japanese technique with his own twisted imagination. Saeki’s artwork is a synthesis of depraved vision and incredible artistic ability. Continue reading after the jump to view images of Toshio Saeki pieces, trust me you will be in AWW! Leave comments.

Toshio Saeki 111Minna Gallery
Exhibit: Toshio Saeki x 111 Minna Gallery, S.F. Exhibit: Toshio Saeki x 111 Minna Gallery, S.F. Reviewed by Unknown on 11/23/2010 12:17:00 AM Rating: 5

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