
Kicks: AF1 Destroyer Black Pack x Black Friday

Black Friday x AF1 x NSW Destroyer 
One day only Nike will release the AF1 Destroyer Black Pack. Yes I said "one day only".
Why? In celebration of the busiest shopping day of the year one select store is going to be bombarded by every Nike head on the east coast. All for a chance to get a Blacked out NSW Destroyer varsity jacket and a pair of Air Force 1's. Exclusively available at Nike Sportswear's New York Hub. The customized jacket will have AF1 and NY buttons, cashmere patches and your name hand chain-stitched on the front. So if your not in New York Friday morning your S.O.L.
Gud shopping.

Kicks: AF1 Destroyer Black Pack x Black Friday Kicks: AF1 Destroyer Black Pack x Black Friday Reviewed by Unknown on 11/25/2010 08:52:00 PM Rating: 5

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