
New Music: Lupe Fiasco x SLR (Super Lupe Rap)

Lupe Fiasco,SLR (Super Lupe Rap)
Super Lupe took to his twitter yesterday and delivered an unexpected gift, "SLR (Super Lupe Rap)". The title comes from a recent statement from a Boy we call Soulja.
"I don’t want to be super-Lupe-Fiasco-lyrical and n***** don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about..." -via Soulja Boi

Haha. Soulja, we still don't know what you talking about. While we all eagerly wait for Lupe's Lasers, sit back and chillax to 6 minutes of madness. Enjoy!

DOWNLOAD: Lupe Fiasco x SLR (Super Lupe Rap) | Mediafire
New Music: Lupe Fiasco x SLR (Super Lupe Rap) New Music: Lupe Fiasco x SLR (Super Lupe Rap) Reviewed by Unknown on 11/09/2010 04:39:00 AM Rating: 5

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