
Art: Pam Glew x Circus Exhibition


Do you ever just discover people and immediately have a lustful crush? Well join the bandwagon, because I am currently in all types of lust with artist Pam Glew. Hailing from the UK Pam currently has her fourth coming solo exhibition entitled CIRCUS in London. The contemporary artist known for her very unique painting style that consist of bleaching, dying, distressing national flags, then so boldly painting images onto them. This time around Pam featured iconic faces to portray the madness we know as show business. The darkness of the paintings are something I am in love with. I believe Miss. Glew may be my artistic soul sister. This exhibit will be up until December 2nd. Get more info on Pam Glew's site. More painting after the fall...


Art: Pam Glew x Circus Exhibition Art: Pam Glew x Circus Exhibition Reviewed by Ann Caesar on 12/01/2010 01:34:00 AM Rating: 5

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