
Books: Miracle at St. Anna

Their isn't enough I could say about this book but I will tell you it's an amazing story. Mainly surrounding the lives of four young American men in the 92nd infantry division, Buffalo Soldiers during World War II in Italy.
Surviving a gun battle in the Cinquale Canal the adventure really starts when Sam Train is sent to investigate the movements of a little white boy in a hay stack during a gun battle by fellow soldier and friend Bishop. A smooth talking preacher who doesn't believe in GOD and is owed $1400.00 from Sam Train and won't let him forget it. The other just as important characters are Stamps, well educated and leader of the pack and Hector a Puerto Rican, speaker of three languages but can barely read. All four will take on journey through the absolute worst of a war and stop to witness a bit of the good it sometimes can provide. I'll spare the details because this is a story you should be reading for yourself. Even if you've seen the movie first like I have. Actually seeing the movie first allowed me to imagine details of places and people a lot better. Especially with the parts of the book that are not in the movie. Check out both if you haven't already.
Gud Reading.
"Thank you, Lord,"Train said. "I'm prepared for thee."He waited to feel the sweet nothingness of death. He opened his mouth to taste the sweet smell of heaven and felt instead stinking, hot chicken breath blowing down into his lungs. It tasted like dog shit and hog maws mixed together. He opened his eyes and saw the big, black, shiny, eel-like face of Bishop stuck to his--Bishop stuck to his mouth. He sat up straight. "Goddamn, you crazy?"
Author: James McBride

Books: Miracle at St. Anna Books: Miracle at St. Anna Reviewed by Unknown on 12/07/2010 12:09:00 PM Rating: 5

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