
Hip Hop: J.Cole x The Soul of Cole Pt. 3

Sit down with Cole, The Dopehouse and The Well Versed for a 3 part interview that took place while Cole was on his Vegas iish. Continue reading after the jump for #2 and #3.

"In part one, J. Cole discussed whether or not there will be guests on his debut album. In part two, he took us back to the origins of his rap life. In part three, Cole talks about the pressure that is put on for his first album to be beyond great." -via TheWellVersed

(Part 2)

(Part 1)
Hip Hop: J.Cole x The Soul of Cole Pt. 3 Hip Hop: J.Cole x The Soul of Cole Pt. 3 Reviewed by Unknown on 12/20/2010 11:22:00 AM Rating: 5

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