Hip Hop: Talib Kweli x QD3 x Devi Dev x Bishop Lamont x Wiz Khalifa on Tavis Smiley (Video)

Tavis Smiley gets a chance to talk to some influential musicians, film-makers about the current state of hip-hop music and the changes brought through internet and social media. 

This bring to me question, what are your thoughts about the current state of hip-hop? Do you feel the internet has changed the industry for better or worse? Leave your comments in the box after the jump
Hip Hop: Talib Kweli x QD3 x Devi Dev x Bishop Lamont x Wiz Khalifa on Tavis Smiley (Video) Hip Hop: Talib Kweli x  QD3 x  Devi Dev x Bishop Lamont x Wiz Khalifa on Tavis Smiley (Video) Reviewed by Unknown on 12/28/2010 12:27:00 PM Rating: 5