Art: Robbo x My Graffiti War w/ Banksy (Interview)

Sabotage Times had the chance to converse with graffiti legend Robbo or better known as King Robbo to enlighten us on his long time fued with the infamous Banksy.

“For me it was escapism, I’m creative but I come from a family where you either worked or went into crime so I had no-one pushing me in that direction. They couldn’t understand why I’d work then go out and illegally paint when there’s no money in it. To me graff’s always been rock’n’roll, a way to rebel and be creative”. 

Read the full article in it's entirety here.
Art: Robbo x My Graffiti War w/ Banksy (Interview) Art: Robbo x My Graffiti War w/ Banksy (Interview) Reviewed by Unknown on 1/12/2011 03:24:00 PM Rating: 5