
Fashion: Maestro Knows x Infinity Piece

"This Saturday 1/15 is the final in-store release in Los Angeles for my new black “Infinity Piece” as well as my new shirt that will be available here on my site. Then FINALLY we are releasing the remaining supply of the Infinity Piece on Tues 1/18 right here online for all of you who would like to grab it online! Thank you for all your support worldwide, it means a great deal! All info below…."
Black Infinity Piece release…
Shayan Afshar Co
625 S Hill St
LA, CA 90014
(213) 627-1271
MAESTRO 01 online release…
Black Infinity Piece online release…
Fashion: Maestro Knows x Infinity Piece Fashion: Maestro Knows x Infinity Piece Reviewed by Ann Caesar on 1/14/2011 12:00:00 AM Rating: 5
Image Link [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IV-wchM6px0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAJNk/rHXbM5SLpA0/s512-c/photo.jpg] Author Name [Geezus Muhammad] Author Description [Street Culture Enthusiast] Facebook Username [RickGPhotography] Twitter Username [geezusisdope] GPlus Username [104003336345269604168] Pinterest Username [gud_skunc] Instagram Username [geezusisdope]