LookBook: RockersNYC x "Wild In The Streets" Collection

Photographer Jason Lashever recently had the chance to work with RockersNYC and their "Wild In The Streets" collection. The line features Rocker's unique mixture of punk, fusion and hip-hop styling a unique American appeal. Rocker's also mentioned future collaborations with MHI, Goodwood NYC and Chace Infinite, Fergadelic and Doomsday Graphics. Be on the look for those as well as their "Wild In The Streets" collection sometime this Spring.

More images of RockersNYC "Wild In The Streets" collection after the jump..

LookBook: RockersNYC x "Wild In The Streets" Collection LookBook: RockersNYC x "Wild In The Streets" Collection Reviewed by Unknown on 2/23/2011 04:29:00 AM Rating: 5