Books: Batwing #1

The first black man to ever wear black tights? Definitely not! But he is the first black person to don the black bat across his chest and represent Batman. Welcome Batwing to the DC Universe. The Batman of Africa.
Writer Judd Winick and illustrator Ben Oliver will start Batwing#1 which will be a spin off of Batman Inc. storyline.  Making the push to bring diversity and new readers to DC Comics. It feels good as a comic book reader to have another Hero to read about that I may be able to relate to. Even if it is just skin color. Check for Batwing #1 at your local comic store soon.

Other important black heroes in the DC Universe. Static Shock and Black Lightning are just a few but their out there people just look around.

Books: Batwing #1 Books: Batwing #1 Reviewed by Unknown on 6/07/2011 04:37:00 PM Rating: 5