Fashion: F.A.T. x
Ai Weiwei DIY Glasses
Free thinker/artist/activist Ai Weiwei gets the support of F.A.T. (Free Art & Technology) with their new FREE Ai Weiwei DIY frames. The instructions are simple, download the .pdf, cut, mount the parts and rock 'em like there's no tomorrow. The lenses share the same model as the "cereal box 3D" glasses but without the lenses and replaced with a common Ai Weiwei gesture. Download your FREE pair down below, with more looks offered after the jump. But for reals now, Free Ai Weiwei!!!
DOWNLOAD: Ai WeiWei x DIY Glasses
Fashion: F.A.T. x
Ai Weiwei DIY Glasses
Reviewed by
6/13/2011 12:00:00 AM
Ai Weiwei DIY Glasses