Hip Hop: Npire Da Great x Everybody Hates Nash Release Party (Video)
Npire's "Everybody Hates Nash" Recoed Release Party went down a few weeks ago with live performances by Moe Green, Nio Tha Gift, Keno The Os, Bueno, Chuuwee, C-Plus, Tha1p, Tessa Evans, Mark Noxx, Npire Da Great and more.
Shot Credits: Yoo Dunnie and Yujean Kim.
Editing by Dennsky.
Directed by Dennis Brodsky and Npire Da Great.
Download #EHN For Free at npiredagreat.bandcamp.com
Hip Hop: Npire Da Great x Everybody Hates Nash Release Party (Video)
Reviewed by
9/07/2011 11:22:00 AM