
David Banner Drops "Before The Box" Mixtape (Download)

As fans patiently await The God Box.

M ississippian David Banner is no stranger to the injustice of the country and is not afraid of exercise his first amendment right. Extroverted with opinion, the sonant activist/emcee is preparing for his 8th studio album, The God Box. While waiting for the album's May 13th release, Banner drops a 16-track mixtape titled Before the Box featuring the likes of Big K.R.I.T. on "My Uzi" and the Tito Lopez collaboration "Black Fist".

Stream/Download David Banner's Before The Box (Mixtape) below.

David Banner Drops "Before The Box" Mixtape (Download) David Banner Drops "Before The Box" Mixtape (Download) Reviewed by Unknown on 3/10/2016 10:29:00 PM Rating: 5
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