
Watch the Exclusive Premier of Mahtie Bush's "Boyz 2 Men" Video

The moment we've all been waiting for…

D edicated to his craft and the true foundation of hip hop, Mahtie Bush returns to his "Backpackramento" ways and preps for Backpackramento: The Return album – the sequel to his 2010-debut release. It wasn't long after, when we caught wind of the Sacramento emcee at Blu performance. We then debuted Mahtie and his visuals for the title track from the album, which was then followed with the Canibus collabo "Killed".

Now readying for his 2nd Round K.O., Mahtie has embarked on a weekly series titled Weekly Specials via Soundcloud, giving fans a sneak peak into the album before it drops. While still on the grind, Bush drops off the first set of visuals to the second installment, dubbed "Boyz 2 Men". Yesterday, Mahtie took to Twitter to make the announcement while also stating, the video was the first self-produced and edited video ever attempted by the emcee.

So without further adieu, we present the exclusive premier of Mahtie Bush "Boyz 2 Men" video. Be sure to check back stay updated on Mahtie's Backpackramento:The Return project.

Watch the Exclusive Premier of Mahtie Bush's "Boyz 2 Men" Video Watch the Exclusive Premier of Mahtie Bush's "Boyz 2 Men" Video Reviewed by Unknown on 3/29/2016 10:00:00 AM Rating: 5
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