
Joyner Lucas - "Say Hello to Adele" (Video)

Say Hello to a Deal!

U p for the 10th spot on XXL's 2016 Freshman cover, the Worcester native, Joyner Lucas drops off another disturbing visual showcasing his ravenous rhyme pattern and ferocious delivery. In the video titled "say Hello to Adele," the Massachusetts rapper delivers an idiosyncratic reel that features everything from shirtless men in red wigs, women in Adele mask with their eyes cut out to Lucas getting brain surgery in the middle of a street.

Watch Joyner Lucas' "say Hello to Adele" video below and click here to vote for your favorite up and coming artist.

Watch Joyner Lucas "Happy Birthday" video here.
Joyner Lucas - "Say Hello to Adele" (Video) Joyner Lucas - "Say Hello to Adele" (Video) Reviewed by Unknown on 4/03/2016 02:11:00 PM Rating: 5
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