
Sports: Nike x Lebron Talks Billions!

With Lebron James leading the way in this summers highly anticipated free agency Nike is sparing no expense on making sure their most prized jewel since Michael Jordan is the hottest commodity on a world market. In order to achieve this task the genius' behind the superstar King James' marketing plans are pushing the brand overseas into China, where there are as many people playing basketball in the country then there are people living in the whole United States! Now take a second and think about that.......
Could you imagine if everyone in the U.S.A. played basketball? Every man woman and child! Thats astounding hands down, we'd have the fittest country in the world but given their overall population versus ours we're outnumbered convincingly. China is estimated to have 1.3 billion people living within its borders compared to our 300 million, so ya....you get the picture. The higher ups at Nike say that Kobe Bryant is still the most popular player in the world because he continues to win championships as he did at the end of this years season against league rivals the Boston Celtics, but Lebron is gaining momentum and this summers free agency doesn't hurt. So even though we are yet to see Lebron peak in physical performance, we are yet to see him win on the Grand Stage which is the N.B.A. Finals and at the end of the day thats what is gonna push Lebron where he and Nike would like him to be..... a champion!
Sports: Nike x Lebron Talks Billions! Sports: Nike x Lebron Talks Billions! Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 6/22/2010 02:45:00 PM Rating: 5

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