
Sports: SHOWTIME!!!

Know what time it is? If you don't....... you better ask somebody! Good morning friends and family, Im here in Sac on my cozy, cooler then a polar bears toe nails leather couch staring at my 50" inch flat screen watching ESPN HD and let me tell you Im having a blast! Its approximately 12 am over here on July 1st, and the opening day of the 2010 free agency fanaza! I have a feeling we will continue to see major action go down which has been the case tues and yesturday with first Dirk Nowitzki opting out his contract then Carmelo Anthony and you can trust your friends at Gudskunc to report every bit of info we come across! There are over 150 free agents this year and the top 5 (Lebron, Wade, Bosh, Dirk, Boozer ) fit easily in anybodies top 20 playing list, so the odds of getting one of these superstars are pretty good or at least mines are lol. OVER N OUT!
Sports: SHOWTIME!!! Sports: SHOWTIME!!! Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 7/01/2010 12:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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