Sports: Things Looking Gud for Miami!

This just in, sources close to D. Wade are reporting that he along with Lebron James and Chris Bosh were together over the weekend discussing the possibilty of playing together in Miami under coach Pat Riley to form a dynasty that would undoubtedly contend for championship year after year! Miami now leads the race to pick up the biggest free agent in NBA history, with 43 million to spend this year alone Miami can resign Wade and offer 2 others free agents max contracts. Even if Lebron decides not no sign ( i dont know why he wouldn't ) the Heat will still pickup some great talent like Stoudamire, Boozer, Bosh, oh ya I almost forgot Big Dirk wants out of Dallas now so add that to the equation and its looking mighty GUD for Miami. (more commentary after the jump).

Cristo's Commentary:
My dreams are about to be answered!! Few people I know besides myself believed D. Wade and the Miami heat was capable of taking over in the 2006 post season. Myself..... a former Kings fan I admit needed something more to believe in. After year after year of bad management dicisions, the Kings trading off all the players that made going for them  worth it and even the possibility the team leaving Sacramento I had had about enough.
I followed Wade at Marquette and believed with a gud team he was gonna be star off top, I guess I got an eye for talent because it worked out. Wade stepped into the NBA in the same year as Lebron James and Carmelo Anthony and he is the 1st and only out of the top 5 drafts in 2003 to win a CHAMPIONSHIP! Its been rough the last 4 years with Wade having a series of minor injuries and basicly no supporting cast the Heat have yet to make it back the NBA Finals, but everyonce in a while fate hands you a deck hand you can play with.

Sports: Things Looking Gud for Miami! Sports: Things Looking Gud for Miami! Reviewed by Unknown on 6/29/2010 04:22:00 PM Rating: 5