
Local News: How Did We Let it Happen?

Arnold the job terminating Governor wasted no time yesterday as he signed an executive order to slash more then 200,000 state workers pay in half. All state workers are now ordered to make 7. 25 an hour which is well under minimum wage! All because legislation has failed to pass a budget to do their job which means they have failed us, the people they are suppose to be serving. To be honest I don't believe Arnold has ever got the budget passed on time in his so called political career. I never understood how slashing jobs saves money, it just doesn't make sense. That means at lunch nobody is eating out, small shops aren't making money, small businesses that economist say is the key to a healthy recovery out this recession. Further more people can't pay they're bills, they lose the homes, go into more debt, go on wellfare and so on!

As the people who make up this great state we cannot ever let this happen again, we have to make sure we VOTE right. No more hollywood bullshit and with that said please go out in NOVEMBER we can't afford another Arnold and something tells me Meg Witmann might be worse, running Google and California are not the same thing so lets not let that distract us. On the upside big ups to State controller John Chiang, this is the second time he has stood up for us and has refused to follow thru on Arnold's antics, saying there is a better way to go about things and this wasn't the way. (maybe he should be the governor )
Local News: How Did We Let it Happen? Local News: How Did We Let it Happen? Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 7/02/2010 12:21:00 PM Rating: 5

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