
Sports: Dreams Come True!!!

As the free agency slowly comes to an end the results are coming in. Amare goes to New York, Dirk stays in Dallas and possibly the same for Joe Johnson in Atlanta, but no NBA news tickles my fancy like waking up in the morning and hearing that D. Wade will be staying in Miami, but he will not be alone. This just in Chris Bosh formally of the Toronto Raptors will be excepting a 16.6 million dollar contract from Miami ( I smell another championship ). The Heat can still trade small forward Michael Beasly in order to clear an extra 5 million that can and will be used to acquire Lebron James who has yet to announce where he is going to play the 2010/11 season.
Sports: Dreams Come True!!! Sports: Dreams Come True!!! Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 7/07/2010 10:28:00 AM Rating: 5

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