
Sports: History on ESPN

At approximately 9PM EST thursday morning Lebron James on a 1 hour special on ESPN will announce where he is going to play for the 2010/11 season (WOW). Usually to set up an hour long show on a super massive network like ESPN would take..... I'm sure more then a day and a half, but when your dealing with NIKE who is dealing with the most dynamic player in sports things get done rather fast! Can you think of a better way to tell the world who's jersey you're putting on? I can't... I mean everyone is already watching ESPN to find out whats going to happen, now we get hour long special...... this is great! Popcorn in the morning lol, stay tuned for more Gud News you got it here 1st @GUDSKUNC!!!!!!!
Sports: History on ESPN Sports: History on ESPN Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 7/07/2010 10:35:00 AM Rating: 5

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