
Sports: Ocho Cinco and the Bengals rejoice!!!

Upon the arrival of new teammate Terrell Owens, Ocho Cinco guarantees a playoff run and tells spectators they should be worrying about what they're gonna do come game sundays at 1 o' clock! He even adds him and T.O. have come up with a few nicknames like Siskel and Ebert, Bonnie and Clyde, or even Shrek and Donkey (lol)! and I quote " Why Shrek and Donkey? Because 1st of all T.O. is Shrek and I'm Donkey cuz I'ma be actin a ASS all season" - Ocho Cinco
Sports: Ocho Cinco and the Bengals rejoice!!! Sports: Ocho Cinco and the Bengals rejoice!!! Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 7/31/2010 09:10:00 AM Rating: 5

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