#FlashBackFriday: Jay-Z x In My Lifetime (Video)

FLASHBACK: Now these were the days! Reason I included the video is because this is how I heard it. I forget who blessed me with the In My Lifetime VHS but I remember rewinding this joint every time it got done; like a little kid when they get their first movie they like, lol. F*cked up I no longer own the collective but the memories of watching this and smoking with the fam, arguing Jay is the illest to ever do it, is timeless.

For those who ain't knowing and became fans after Vol.II this was between the release of Reasonable Doubt and V.II. The was actually a remix, something Jay used to do a lot, was spit a completely new verse for the third and sometimes extending the originals. The album was complimented with a VHS, where Hov reenacted each song through visual from Friend or Foe to You must Love Me. After naming them titles and imagining the visual I need to grab me another copy. Enjoy!!! Oh and on the strength, I included the mp3 for you late bloomers, video after the jump...

DOWNLOAD: Jay-Z x In My Lifetime | Mediafire
#FlashBackFriday: Jay-Z x In My Lifetime (Video) #FlashBackFriday: Jay-Z x In My Lifetime (Video) Reviewed by Unknown on 10/08/2010 12:17:00 AM Rating: 5