
Sports:World Series Giants x Texans

Who besides the die hard Giants fans we got out here predicted this? I'll tell you who...... nobody!

Not one soul on Sports Center this week wanted to give the Giants the upperhand in the 2010 World Series, in fact most of them including the ones who's opinion I actually value from time to time actually predicted the Giants to fall to the Texans in 5 games! Boy were they wrong The Giants now lead the series 2-0 as they travel to Texas to finish the sweep, yeah I said it..... the sweep! Matt Cain pitched thru 7 innings last nite only allowing 4 hits with 0 earned runs as the Giants shut the Texans out in a 9-0 victory! The streets of San Francisco are on fire right now, we have exclusive coverage and pics from last night to prove it!
Sports:World Series Giants x Texans Sports:World Series  Giants x Texans Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 10/29/2010 12:51:00 PM Rating: 5

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