
Book: On The Shoulders of Giants x Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

on the shoulders of giants kareem abdul jabbar
A story of cause and affect, the greatest book I've read so far in my life. Kareem displays an excellent story telling method through this partial auto-biography. The story tells how the people,culture and music of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s directly impacted his own life. Excellent story telling allows the reader to imagine a vivid picture of how African Americans thrived and struggled at creating a name and place of their own.
Of the many books I've read none forces the reader to look at their own life with more of a WANT to participate and achieve a higher status in life, not so much in wealth or worldly possessions but overall satisfaction of who,why and where we need to be as a people. 257 pages of reading shouldn't intimidate any body.
A Gud read.
Book: On The Shoulders of Giants x Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Book: <i>On The Shoulders of Giants</i> x Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Reviewed by Unknown on 11/08/2010 05:20:00 PM Rating: 5

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