
Film: Banksy "Exit Through The Gift Shop" (Deleted Scene)

LOL, While the Banksy's Exit Through The Gift Shop is on the verge of it's DVD release this deleted scene has just been published for public viewing. The scene captures renowned street artist Invader putting his now iconic hallmark on Los Angeles iconic Hollywood sign. It's all bad when park rangers advise Invader and his French cousin to exit the property. For those who've missed viewing the award-winning film, the film will be available via Itunes and Video-On Demand in the US, November 23rd with high expectations for the DVD to release soon after, scheduled December 14th. Merry Christmas!!!
Film: Banksy "Exit Through The Gift Shop" (Deleted Scene) Film: Banksy "Exit Through The Gift Shop" (Deleted Scene) Reviewed by Unknown on 11/08/2010 03:12:00 PM Rating: 5

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