
Skate: Marc Jacobs x
Juergan Tellar Skate Decks


Everyone wants a piece of our world. But only a few are let in and Marc Jacobs is IN. If your familiar with Jacob's work you'll know that he started right where we are. Now he is back at his roots once again connecting with the streets to design more skate decks (Circa 2008 Marc Jacobs made Louis Vuitton skate decks with storage trunks to match).

"Marc Jacobs presents four new skate decks featuring photos by Juergen Teller. Taking images from the Marc Jacobs Advertisement archives we’re greeted with photos of Lisa Marie (Marc Jacobs Spring 2000), Kate Moss (Marc Jacobs Fall 2000), Stephanie Seymour (Marc Jacobs Fall 2001) and M.I.A. (Marc by Marc Jacobs Spring 2009). These will be available in New York at Bookmarc (400 Bleecker Street) and Marc by Marc Jacobs Men’s (298 W. 4th Street) stores now and in all Marc by Marc Jacobs stores nationwide on Friday. The 7-ply Canadian maple decks are limited to 100 of each." - Highsnobiety

More looks after the jump...

Skate: Marc Jacobs x
Juergan Tellar Skate Decks
Skate: Marc Jacobs x </br>Juergan Tellar Skate Decks
Reviewed by Ann Caesar on 11/26/2010 02:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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