
Film: Intel Visual Life x The Satorialist

A must watch!

"Street photographer and all around tasteful fashion eye, Scott Schumann, more commonly recognized as The Sartorialist, is basically a positive testament to what can be done with a little ingenuity and keen eye. Having what most would deem amateur photographical skills, Schumann has made a highly impactive name for himself by capturing iconic imagery via the streets of the world. His motivating factor is all in the name of good fashion. What ever he comes across that he finds stylistically attractive, he shoots and therein throws it on his expandedly popular blog, The Sartorialist. Listen as one of the internet’s most compelling voices speaks on his work and the means and motives behind it." via I'm Flashy
Film: Intel Visual Life x The Satorialist Film: Intel Visual Life x The Satorialist Reviewed by Ann Caesar on 1/07/2011 02:28:00 AM Rating: 5

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Image Link [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IV-wchM6px0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAJNk/rHXbM5SLpA0/s512-c/photo.jpg] Author Name [Geezus Muhammad] Author Description [Street Culture Enthusiast] Facebook Username [RickGPhotography] Twitter Username [geezusisdope] GPlus Username [104003336345269604168] Pinterest Username [gud_skunc] Instagram Username [geezusisdope]