
Film: Maestro knows x Special Edition Levi Maestro

The kid Maestro is pure dope!

"Making for probably my favorite Maestro Knows piece to date, the all around curator that is Levi Maestro let’s go of this special edition episode, featuring a few of his favorite, creative individuals. If you’ve followed the show for any extensive period of time, then there’s a good chance that you recognize one or all of the spotlighted guest. So take a look as you get to witness their take on the kid Maestro, as well as Maestro’s relationship and view of said creators." via I'm Flashy
Film: Maestro knows x Special Edition Levi Maestro Film: Maestro knows x Special Edition Levi Maestro Reviewed by Ann Caesar on 1/07/2011 02:21:00 AM Rating: 5

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