
Music: Kanye West x
30 Hours (Stream)

A fter a long, productive and successful week, Ye took to his Soundcloud to give fans another preview into the anticipated The Life of Pablo. At first thought, the title "30 Hours' you would probably assume it encompassed the hard work dedicated to pull of the Yeezy Season 3, Kanye's album premiere-turned-fashion show. The track however, did make the TLOP tracklist, making "30 Hours" Ye's third offering for his 2016 G.O.O.D Friday series.

Listen to Kanye's West "No More Parties in L.A." featuring Kendrick Lamar here 
Music: Kanye West x
30 Hours (Stream)
Music: Kanye West x<br /> 30 Hours (Stream)
Reviewed by Unknown on 2/12/2016 12:36:00 PM Rating: 5
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