
Lifestyle: The Big Brother Book (Video)

I nfluential skateboarding magazine Big Brother Magazine is making its way back to shelves, this time in a hardcover format. The magazine was founded by Steve Rocco in 1992 and published until 2004, having a 12 year run until the publication was dropped from Hustler Larry Flint's catalog. Yup, credited as the genesis of the Jackass universe, Larry Flint bought out the magazine for it's distasteful content then later booted it from his roster.

The Big Brother Book catalogs all the "best of" moments from the publication. Skate brand DC Shoes, recently released Best of Big Brother video, highlighting all the crazy times BB has had. Watch the video below along with words from Big Brother.

Source: FNG
Lifestyle: The Big Brother Book (Video) Lifestyle: The Big Brother Book (Video) Reviewed by Unknown on 2/03/2016 12:20:00 PM Rating: 5
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