
Autographed Physical Copies of Kendrick Lamar's 'untitled unmastered.' Are In.

untitled unmastered. On Vinyl and CD

Another surprise from the Compton emcee.

I n the beginning of the month, T.D.E. CEO Anthony Tiffith announced the Los Angeles-based label will be releasing physical copies of Kendrick Lamar surprise album untitled unmastered. Kendrick's compilation album will release in both vinyl and CD format with a hand signed autograph from Kendrick Lamar.

Both vinyl and CD version of untitled unmastered. are available for pre-order now on Lamar’s website. CDs are slated for a March 31 release, while vinyls will be delivered late-May.

Watch Kendrick Lamar's short film, good kid, m.A.A.d city
Autographed Physical Copies of Kendrick Lamar's 'untitled unmastered.' Are In. Autographed Physical Copies of Kendrick Lamar's 'untitled unmastered.' Are In. Reviewed by Unknown on 3/11/2016 11:03:00 AM Rating: 5
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