
Action Bronson Visits the Pacific Northwest in 'F*CK, That's Delicious' EP:2 (UPDATED)

Mussels and bong water…

A ction Bronson is no stranger to good eats as we've previously seen during his Jamaican tourin episode one of VICELENAD's F*ck, That's Delicious. That followed an interesting conversation over Canard á la presse–or pressed duck with Munchies.

This time around, the chef turned rapper, makes a pit-stop in the Pacific Northwest enroute to a concert in Vancouver. Driven by a need for freshest salmon, most grass-fed lamb, and legal weed, Bronson dishes out another culinary lesson in F*CK, That's Delicious' second episode.

VICE has removed all of its F*ck, That's Delicious episodes, since becoming VICE Television Network. To find what channel VICE is playing on closes to you, click here.

Action Bronson Visits the Pacific Northwest in 'F*CK, That's Delicious' EP:2 (UPDATED) Action Bronson Visits the Pacific Northwest in 'F*CK, That's Delicious' EP:2 (UPDATED) Reviewed by Unknown on 3/11/2016 02:24:00 PM Rating: 5
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