
Black Thought & Styles P "Making A Murderer" Produced by 9th Wonder

Black Thought breaks down "Making A Murderer" over a 9th production.

T he Roots frontman, Black Thought taps The Ghost – or Styles P – for a netflix-inspired track titled "Making A Murderer." Thought has been on a bit of a hiatus, while only featuring on tracks in the last few months but as expected, the Philly emcee is back over some 9th Wonder production.

While we are still up in the air on if this track is landing on a specific project, give it a spin below and let us know what you think in the comment section.

Black Thought & Styles P "Making A Murderer" Produced by 9th Wonder Black Thought & Styles P "Making A Murderer" Produced by 9th Wonder Reviewed by Unknown on 4/07/2016 12:25:00 PM Rating: 5
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