
MED, Blu & Elzhi Team Up On "Caddy Music"

Bang Ya Head Cover Art

Bang Ya Head drops tomorrow.

S tone Throw signee, MED links with Blu and Elzhi to deliver "Caddy Music" – 1 of 9 songs featured on the fourth installment of his Bang Ya Head compilation. With Elzhi fresh of the heels of his Lead Poison LP and Blu and MED recovering from Bad Neighbor with Madlib, the trio share the mic over a gritty Bombay production, which makes several transitions as each emcee gives his spiel.

Bang Ya Head 4 will feature the likes of Alchemist, Blu, eLZhi, Guilty Simpson, Madlib, Oh No, and a few others, making it a definite grab. Stream Bombay-produced "Caddy Music" below.

Bang Ya Head Cover Art
MED, Blu & Elzhi Team Up On "Caddy Music" MED, Blu & Elzhi Team Up On "Caddy Music" Reviewed by Unknown on 4/07/2016 12:41:00 AM Rating: 5
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