
Chuck Inglish x Blended Babies - 'Chemdream' feat. Aston Matthews (Video)

Chuck Inglish Chemdream Video

Ev Zepplin is out now.

Fresh off of their collaborative Ev Zepplin project, COOL Kid Chuck Inglish and prodiuction duo Blended Babies offer visual for the Aston Matthews-assisted track "Chemdream."

Ken Koller, Cinematographer for Big Sean and Nicki Minaj A$$ Dance, delivers trippy visuals inspired by 70's rock videos while adding his own artistic flavor for a psychedelic look.

Watch the Chuck Inglish x Blended Babies "Chemdream" video below and grab your copy of Ev Zepplin from iTunes or Spotify.

Chuck Inglish x Blended Babies - 'Chemdream' feat. Aston Matthews (Video) Chuck Inglish x Blended Babies - 'Chemdream' feat. Aston Matthews (Video) Reviewed by Unknown on 5/12/2016 02:05:00 PM Rating: 5
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