
Rhythm Roulette with Hi-Tek (Video)

Hi-Tek Making Beats

Tek mixes up the Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus with Superbird.

Media collective Mass Appeal catches up with Cincinnati producer Hi-Tek for the latest edition of Rhythm Roulette, a video series where producers are forced to choose 3 random records and make a beat from the records chosen. The series has already featured the likes of 9th Wonder, Big K.R.I.T., Erick the Architect and many others.

In the clip below, Tek heads to Everybody's Records in Cincinnati, where is then blindfolded and randomly picks Spirit's Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus, The Routers' Superbird and Elvis Presley's For Ol' Times Sake. While not showing much no attention to Elvis joint – for legal purposes –Tek manages to whip up a nice bass-heavy instrumental.

Watch the Hi-Tek Rhythm Roulette below.

Rhythm Roulette with Hi-Tek (Video) Rhythm Roulette with Hi-Tek (Video) Reviewed by Unknown on 5/12/2016 08:07:00 PM Rating: 5
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