
Sports: Gone Fishin'

Every since Lebron signed with the Miami Heat on friday everybody except Miami fans have felt heartbreak, betrayal, and just totally disgusted with the 2 time league mvp. Why? I don't know...... your guess is as good as mine, but maybe its fear, fear that their beloved team has no chance when they step on the court with the three kings (LEBRON, WADE, BOSH). Now we (Miami fans) can expect some new hate thrown our way, but not from Cleveland, New York, or Chi Town.... this time the hate will be coming from the reigning champs..... LA Lakers!!!
This is because over the weekend star guard Derek Fisher was flown to Miami to discuss being apart of a new dynasty! This troubles L.A. because Kobe has never won a championship without Fisher and has won all 5 with him (uh oh). Its even rumored that King Lebron even met Derek on the landing strip in Miami as Derek got off the plane. Can you say goodbye L.A. and hello South Beach!!!!
Sports: Gone Fishin' Sports: Gone Fishin' Reviewed by CHRIS B' GUD on 7/11/2010 09:23:00 PM Rating: 5

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