
New Music: SchoolboyQ x Put In Work

T.D.E. swings full circle with Schoolboy next in the line-up. "Put In Work" produced by TaeBeast. S/O to KISS 

UPDATE: We might be seeing an album from the 51st anf Fig Representative next month or coming December , but as all GUD chefs let the mix simmer.Q will bless the food in due time..via Schoolboy

DOWNLOAD: Schoolboy Q x Put In Work | Mediafire
New Music: SchoolboyQ x Put In Work New Music: SchoolboyQ x Put In Work Reviewed by Unknown on 10/05/2010 12:01:00 AM Rating: 5

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Image Link [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IV-wchM6px0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAJNk/rHXbM5SLpA0/s512-c/photo.jpg] Author Name [Geezus Muhammad] Author Description [Street Culture Enthusiast] Facebook Username [RickGPhotography] Twitter Username [geezusisdope] GPlus Username [104003336345269604168] Pinterest Username [gud_skunc] Instagram Username [geezusisdope]