
Films: Stephan Zlotescu x True Skin

SVA alumni Stephan Zlotescu, channels into the future with his latest short "True Skin". The film plays of several synopsis' such as; Total Recall, One Night in Bangkok, Bladerunner, District 9 and many more but the enhanced visual aesthetic Stephan brings to the screen is like none other. Zlotescu is a special effects guru and has worked with the likes of Kanye West, Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj.

A week after the True Skin was released, Warner Bros. has pre-emptively swiped it off the table, picking it up for Harry Potter’s David Heyman to produce.

Check out the short above!
Films: Stephan Zlotescu x True Skin Films: Stephan Zlotescu x True Skin Reviewed by Unknown on 10/20/2012 12:16:00 PM Rating: 5
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