
Film: A Tribe Called Quest x Mike Rappaport (video)

Can you kick it? Yes you can! Get a inside look at the music worlds most admired group A Tribe Called Quest. New York lyricist A Tribe Called Quest and Mike Rappaport have been working on a documentary titled Beats, Rhymes, & Life. The film is directed by renowned actor Mike Rappaport and hip hop fan. Beats, Rhymes, & Life is said to have taken several years to shoot and tells of the Tribes impact on the music game to them falling apart from each other and Q-Tip coming into to his own.
Film: A Tribe Called Quest x Mike Rappaport (video) Film: A Tribe Called Quest x Mike Rappaport (video) Reviewed by Ann Caesar on 12/02/2010 04:57:00 AM Rating: 5

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